Light-Line-Form is a metaphor for the three areas that have been my intellectual and creative focus for the last forty years. ‘Light’ references my teaching and writing on colour, ‘Line’ refers to my latest textbook and ‘Form’ represents my lifetime interest in the discipline of architecture, which has resulted in a couple of award-winning publications.

Who knew that the son of a Scarborough milkman would end up writing so many books on art and architecture? Well, as they say, “necessity is…. To keep a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and a pair of loose shoes on my feet I’ve worked as a designer for advertising agencies and design studios in both New York and Toronto. Being a freelancer has had both its drawbacks and benefits. One of the latter is the down time between jobs, which gave me the opportunity to explore other aspects of design, photography, writing, and the arts (not to mention improving my tennis game). The end result of which has been a bunch of published books and exhibitions. Oh yeah, and in the meantime I also taught design and other art stuff at various colleges. That too helped pay the bills…

CV on request.